Yes, it's that time again! The "spirit" is being released - in fact you only have to look across the street:
I was at Union Square, you see, for I wanted to get some idea of the variety of, well - of things and people really, which and who were out and about on this Saturday just two weeks from Christmas.
Egad! Just two weeks! Fourteen days! And I haven't even sent my cards yet!
Oh, you know how it is, you're consumed with your life, your job, your other responsibilities - and wasn't Thanksgiving just a few days ago? Well, yes, but ....
The whole neighborhood was thronged (I'm willing to be tagged for that word!) with shoppers and - mallers? - so I was really up against the people of the season. I did see some very intriguing stalls.

Yes, a lot of people just beginning to shop, and a lot of "stuff" that they could buy.
But, what are these squshy animals? Pillows? "Yes, and they're washable too.
Who would have imagined ...
But, what are these squshy animals? Pillows? "Yes, and they're washable too.
Who would have imagined ...
I walked around trying to get an idea of the variety, but there were so many people, and so many stalls, that I really had to be very gentle and diplomatic - "Excuse me! Thank you very much!" - as I walked so I didn't jostle anyone. Hmm, and it could have been an enterprise for purse snatchers and pick-pockets too, come to think of it. Be careful!
And of course you'll need gloves and mittens, right?
Yes, perhaps at no place other than a Christmas gift mall can you see the great variety of man's creativity and enterprise. When was the last time, for example, that you saw this:
Yes! Why have a frog at all if it can't "ribbitt"!
And so I walked on. I wondered what else there might be on sale ....
Oh, yes. Can't forget the dog! After all, as I do tell everyone, there's one dog for every four people who live in Manhattan (1.62 million, so more than 400,000 dogs). I do wonder, as I'm sure you do too, just how these dogs feel (they do feel, of course) sitting in these clownish things ... right?
But, excuse me? Hanging Monkeys? Hmm. Maybe from the tree limbs ... from a needle maybe ... and I'll be some people just can't have too many - right?
And yes, there were some more, well, stylish items to wear - for the season!
Actually, they did look quite attractive. Hmm.
But there were some stalls that, well, I thought took liberties with their inspiration, if that's what it was. I mean, would Zapata have a stall at the mall? Really? For handbags?
I saw this one, however, and I knew from my memories of Dr. Zhivago that Russia does indeed have winters. So, I had to see what they had to offer.
Yes, quite colorful dolls and I think I see -
"No take photograph please."
And I was summarily rushed out of there! Who would have imagined! Well! That certainly quashed my voyeuristic Christmas spirit, I will tell you. So, I thought in a huff, I shall walk out.
As I leave, however, what do I see but what you will see in many New York City parks: a chess game! Long live chess!
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